We’re consulting with Lambeth residents and stakeholders on the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan for eight weeks (22 October to 17 December 2018).
What is the local plan?
The Local Plan is vital to delivering the council’s Borough Plan priorities of creating inclusive growth, reducing inequality and building strong and sustainable neighbourhoods. Building more housing, increasing the number of businesses and employment opportunities and improving air quality and transport in the borough will improve opportunities for local residents.
Why update the plan?
Our existing Local Plan, adopted in 2015, contains a strong vision for the development of the borough and much of it is still up to date and effective. However, changes to national planning law and policy, a full review of the Mayor of London’s London Plan and changes in Lambeth mean parts of our Local Plan need to be reviewed. Last autumn we consulted with you on key issues for the partial review. We are now consulting on our Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan and Proposed Changes to the Policies Map.
How long will the updated plan last?
Once finalised, the Revised Lambeth Local Plan, together with the London Plan and neighbourhood plans, will set out the vision and planning policies needed to direct and guide development in the borough over the next 15 years to meet our future needs. This is your opportunity to let us know what you think about the proposed new and amended policies.
How do I have my say?
To find out more and have your say, visit the consultation page and submit your feedback.
All comments must be made by 11pm on 17 December 2018.