We’re consulting with Lambeth residents and stakeholders on the Lambeth Local Plan Review for eight weeks (9 October to 4 December).
Your chance to shape the future
This consultation is your chance to tell us what you think are the issues for the partial review of the Local Plan and how you think they should be tackled. There are individual surveys on ten key topics we think need to be considered through the partial review and you can comment on any one (or more) that interest you.
Improve opportunities
Lambeth is a great place to live, work and invest because of its location, its people, its character and assets. Building more housing, increasing the number of businesses and employment opportunities and improving air quality and transport in the borough will improve opportunities for local residents.
Reviewing the Local Plan
Our existing Local Plan, adopted in 2015, contains a strong vision for the development of the borough. It sets the planning policies and much of it is still up to date and effective. However, changes to:
- New national policy
- New mayoral policy
- New types of development and
- New evidence
mean parts of our Local Plan need to be reviewed now.
Review timetable
- There is a legal process for reviewing the Local Plan which includes consulting Lambeth residents and stakeholders. The reviewed Plan also has to be examined by an independent planning inspector. Only if the inspector is satisfied with the updated Plan can the council adopt it. We are at the beginning of the process, which will take about two years to complete.
- The Mayor of London is expected to publish a new draft London Plan this November, which will be examined during 2018 for final publication in 2019. Our Local Plan Review will run just behind this so all updated policies are consistent with the London Plan.
- We also have to appraise the Plan to check it meets key social, economic and environmental objectives. This will include assessing impacts on equality and health and wellbeing.
The surveys
There are online surveys about different topics which relate to the local plan. If you think other aspects of the existing Local Plan need to be changed, please use the link to the general comments survey. The final survey asks for your view on our Sustainability Appraisal. You can choose which you want to comment on by using the separate links below:
- Housing growth and infrastructure survey
- Affordable housing survey
- Self-build and custom-build housing
- Housing for older people
- Business and jobs
- Hotels and visitor accommodation
- Town centres
- Transport
- Improving air quality
- Waste
- General comments
- Sustainability Appraisal
If you need help with the surveys
If you need help getting online, local library staff can assist. If you prefer not to use the surveys, you can send comments by email: localplan@lambeth.gov.uk or post: Planning Strategy and Policy Team, London Borough of Lambeth, 1st Floor, Phoenix House, 10 Wandsworth Road, London, SW8 2LL.
You can find out more about the Local Plan Review consultation on our consultation page.