The consultation, which will run from 25 February to 5 April, is asking families of children with SEND aged 16-19 their thoughts on changing the way their young people go to school.
The current method offers children and young people several transport assistance options including pre-booked taxi services, an Oyster card or a seat on a vehicle, organised by the council. The council is suggesting moving to a direct payment system, where families will get money put into an account for the sole use of transport to and from school. With these funds they can arrange their young people’s travel independently.
This change aims to provide families with more freedom and choice, while also offering young people valuable experience and learning in independence.
Cllr Ben Kind, Cabinet Member for Families and Education said: “We know that for many young people aged 16-19 with SEND, developing independence is an important part of their journey into adulthood. This approach is about giving them the opportunity to build confidence in their travel skills while ensuring families have greater flexibility and choice in how their children get to school or college.
At the same time, we recognise that all families have different needs, which is why we are committed to maintaining essential transport services for those who rely on them. Special schools in Lambeth – Elmcourt, Vanguard, Heron Academy, Lansdowne, and Turney School – will continue to provide their bus services and multiple-occupancy taxis. We are also investing in special travel training in primary schools to help better prepare young people for their future journeys.
We want to hear from families, young people, and schools about how we can make this approach work for everyone. If you think you will be affected by this change, please take part in the consultation and share your thoughts with us.”
To complete the consultation and have your say please visit https://haveyoursay.lambeth.gov.uk/.