Coram Family and Childcare, a national charity, hold the annual Parent Champions Awards where they recognise the achievements of volunteers and their contributions. This year Lambeth won the prestigious Scheme of the year award.
Started in March 2022, Lambeth Parent Champions are parents who volunteer their time to inform others about Lambeth’s Early Year’s services. The team has 13 trained volunteers.
The programme was started to encourage parents in Lambeth to take up the free early learning offer for two-year-olds. The offer gives eligible parents and children access to free 15 hours of education and childcare a week.
This year has seen the highest take up of the offer, with 81 per cent of families currently eligible taking it up. Parent champions have played a vital role in increasing awareness of the offer, encouraging those eligible to apply and supporting them in their application.
Councillor Ben Kind, Lead Member for Children & Families said: “With the ongoing Cost of Living Crisis, our two-year-old free early learning offer is such an invaluable resource for eligible parents. We want as many people to take advantage as possible.
“I am thrilled that the parents who volunteer for us have been recognised for their excellent work. They provide knowledge, and a friendly face to our community, spreading the word about such vital programmes that Lambeth offers. Having their unique insights is of course invaluable to Lambeth Council.”
Councillor Donatus Anyanwu, Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Leisure and Sport said: “Our parent volunteers are a true testament to the amazing community that Lambeth have. Their impact goes well beyond helping to increase offer take up. They bring their unique experiences to every conversation they have with a Lambeth parent, and their enthusiasm for supporting other families is really helping to bring about positive change for families in Lambeth.
“They have also organised and delivered outreach activities, to help reach families, including a coffee morning, speaking to families at a library event, a session for asylum seeking families, the Lambeth Country Show, a dads’ group and an employment fair for parents.”
To learn more about the free early learning offer for two-year-olds visit our website.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Parent Champion Scheme, you can learn more on our website or you can come and meet the Parent Champion volunteers in the Early Years and Parenting tent at the Lambeth Country Show on 10 and 11 June.