Lambeth residents end the year with festive fun.

20 December 2024

Written by: Lambeth Council

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Lambeth’s smaller residents (and many grown-ups too) enjoyed some traditional immersive fun with three performances of ‘Christmas in the Castle.’ The fun-packed pantomime was performed at Notre Dame and Tulse Hill estates, as well as at the Town Hall, where the show was followed by Lambeth’s second annual Festive Jam – a party to celebrate the end of the year and thank residents, with free food, entertainment and music.

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Lambeth residents end the year with festive fun.

We’re extremely grateful to our contractors in Lambeth for funding the events and making it possible to thank residents in person as well as sending every child home with a gift.

Lambeth-born professional singer JayJay Born2Sing  was on hand to serenade families with some seasonal classics before the evening culminated with a fun raffle.

The Festive Jam was wholly funded by donations from the council’s contractors, including: APCOA, Coldrum, Effectable, Focus, Fortem, Integral, Langley, Marston, N & G Designs Ltd, NRT, Niblock, OCO, Openview, Pinnacle, SER, T Brown, TW Drainage, Tesco Acre Lane, and Wates.

Lambeth was also excited to be able to support our Tenants’ and Residents’ Associations over the festive season with several Christmas parties on and around our estates, including events at the Edmundsbury, Tulse Hill and Wheatsheaf community halls.

Thank you to everyone who helped make these seasonal events huge fun for everyone in celebrating the spirit of the season.