Lambeth Council has partnered with our neighbouring boroughs of Southwark and Lewisham to commission new sexual health services, making it easier for diverse communities to find vital information, advice, and resources.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities, said: “We are working together across South London with specialist providers to make sexual health more accessible to the communities who most need support, and ultimately to equip those most in need with resources to look after their own sexual health.”
Tailored to local needs
Each new service is designed for communities who are seen as especially vulnerable or at risk, or less likely to use the health services they need:
- Young People in Lambeth and Southwark
- People defined by Health services in all three boroughs as ‘marginalised’ –
including Asylum Seekers, sex workers, people experiencing homelessness/substance misuse, Trans people, and people with learning disabilities
- Black African, Black Caribbean and Latin American communities.
The new contracts expect health providers to raise awareness about, and improve, local sexual health services, provide non-clinical services in the community, and offer chaperone services improving access to sexual health services by helping people get to specialist clinics.
New providers
- In a recent report into young people’s views on sexual health services, only 24% said they felt really confident about how and where to get help. Turning Point, who produced that report for Lambeth Council, will now provide sexual health services for young people across the three boroughs. They welcome the opportunity to support more people in more boroughs as a positive way to celebrate their work.
- Caribbean & African Health Network (CAHN), who will deliver services for the Black African, Black Caribbean, Latin American and other minoritised ethnic communities in partnership with Turning Point, with NAZ and with Indoamerican Refugee & Migrant Organisation (IRMO) are committed to ensuring that individuals currently facing cultural barriers to healthcare are empowered to take control of their sexual health with confidence and dignity, fostering healthier communities.
While each service will offer community-specific advice and support, they will also share work including taking their services out to where people are and providing information, condoms, HIV/STI testing, and individual support including counselling.
More information
For the full October 2024 Turning Point report email: sexualhealth@lambeth.gov.uk