It has been a while since I last wrote and the Lambeth Youth Council has been busy over the last months. July was an especially busy month for the Council. We attended a Lambeth Council meeting, where we had to report to the Council on what things we have been able to accomplish for young people. We also attended the Lambeth Country Show. In addition, we were also able to meet Streatham MP Chuka Umunna and discuss the future of young people after the Brexit vote and how can we tackle youth crime and protect youth services. In September we held a Lambeth Youth Gala, which was a great success! The Gala was held to celebrate the talents of the young people of Lambeth. It went so great, we hope to run next year to.
The last thing I would like to discuss is the Lambeth Youth Council’s constitution. On the 28th September I and the Executive of the Youth Council ratified a new constitution, what this means is that the Youth Council is now open to members of the public. If you are the age of 11 to 19 you can apply to join the Youth Council. We want to make the Youth Council better, we also would like to improve the representation of young people. We are currently planning our career’s fair, make sure to stay tuned. You can tweet me @LamYouthMayor or email me.
If you would like to contact the Lambeth Youth Council feel free.
Follow us on twitter on @LamYouthCouncil.