Whether you’re looking for entertainment or education, well-known history or new discoveries, there’s something for all ages and all tastes in Black History Month.
Five weeks of celebration and education
Walking through Lambeth and seeing it through the eyes of poets and local historians. Meeting writers and reading your own poetry. Drama, film, opera, and the facts about some of the key people in local history and world history. Uncovering secrets in the Black Cultural Archives. Celebrating Afro-Caribbean business, culture, and style. That’s just a taste of all the flavours you can find in October’s Black History Month.
Black History Month 2018 for young readers
Be inspired – create an African shield or jewellery, produce a magazine, sing traditional songs, learn Afro-Brazilian drumbeats or breakdancing. Come and listen to great authors and hear folk tales from Africa and the Caribbean. Most of all, have fun as you celebrate Black History Month in Lambeth’s libraries.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winfred, Cabinet Member for Culture and Equalities, said: “Welcome to this year’s Black History Month, which will be running throughout October. There is something for all ages and all tastes. Please take this wonderful opportunity to learn about and celebrate African Caribbean Heritage and Culture, which influence and enrich all our lives. Lambeth Libraries has partnered with Black Cultural Archives and many local organisations, along with a selection of brilliant writers and artists, to deliver this fantastic programme of events.”
For more information
- Follow Black History Month in Lambeth on Facebook or Twitter
- Email for bookings and information
- You can see what’s happening week by week or plan the whole month. Ask your local library for a printed guide to all the events or see the Council’s information pages
- Find out what’s happening every day at your local Lambeth library on the Council’s events pages
- See what’s happening across the UK for Black History Month on the BHM information pages