Lambeth’s Local Offer for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families brings together everything they need to know in one place:
- housing
- travel
- education
- leisure activities
- health
- and more
- children and young people from birth to 25 years old who have SEND
- their parents and carers
- professionals in health, care and education, and
- providers of services for children and young people.
Why a local offer?
Lambeth’s Local Offer – like Local Offers all over the UK – happened because of Government reforms in 2014, requiring local authorities to publish information about all services available in the borough to support children who are disabled or who have SEN and their families. And to make sure parents, carers, and specialist service providers all have access to it.
Joined up info
Recent parents’ feedback includes: “It was so nice to have the Young Lambeth Co-operative summer activities 2018 brochure available on the Local Offer before the summer holiday – I can make enquiries and plan my autistic son’s local activities well in advance”.
The long-term aim
We want the Local Offer to give people a clearer system where:
- different services and the voluntary and community sector work together
- parents and communities have much more influence over local services, and
- SEND provision becomes more responsive to local needs by directly involving people.
For more information
- Find details of Lambeth’s Local Offer on our information pages
- If you want to talk so someone about specific service, activities or providers on the local offer, please email us or call 020 7926 9460 to speak with the Local Offer officer and arrange a meeting or discussion.
Every school has a Local Offer known as the SEND information report. Use the Map of schools, colleges and nurseries to find a school and a link to their SEND information report.
Feedback about the local offer
Use the Local Offer online form to tell us about:
- your experience of services and facilities in Lambeth.
- how we can improve the Local Offer.
Outside Lambeth
Find out about Local Offers in neighbouring boroughs:
- Croydon
- Lewisham
- Merton
- Southwark
- Wandsworth
- Or visit the SENDirect National information pages.