As network members the council will develop a local approach to becoming an age-friendly borough, building on the World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Cities framework – creating social and built environments that promote healthy and active later lives for all residents.
The aim is to create a borough where people are able to live healthy and active later lives.
Cllr Marcia Cameron, Lambeth joint Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities, said, “With the older population in Lambeth expected to increase, it is more important than ever to ensure Lambeth is a place that is inclusive of older people and enables all residents to remain active members of the community as they age.
“We are delighted to have been accepted as members of the UK Network of Age Friendly Communities and look forward to working with older residents and partners to make Lambeth an age friendly borough.”
Over the next coming years the population of Lambeth will age, with a 28 per cent projected increase in the number of residents who are over 50-years-old living in the borough by 2031. The council wants to ensure its structures and services meet the needs of older people.
By 2026 the council aims to have worked with older people and key partners such as Age UK Lambeth, focusing on the key areas of community life that help to support ageing well including reviewing outdoor spaces and buildings, housing, transport, social participation and inclusion, civic participation and employment, community support and health services.
Cllr Cameron said: “Equity and inclusion will be central to the effort to creating a borough that is truly age-friendly. By listening to and working with older residents we will identify our priorities for Age Friendly Lambeth and develop a plan, in partnership, for addressing barriers to ageing well and ensuring all residents have the support they need to continue to call Lambeth home.”
Have your say
We want to hear from older people across the borough to help us identify our priorities. To have your say visit our consultation webpage.