The planting day will be managed by experienced gardeners from the Open Orchard Project. The event will be followed by a planting day in November when 12 fruit trees will be installed. The trees will include a variety of different species of pear, apple and cherry as well as a number of heritage species such as damson and quince.Volunteer to help plant around 80 herbs and spread some bark compost on the site.
Please drop by on Wednesday 19 October at 4pm if you would like to lend a hand, or contact us to confirm you want to come. Phone: 020 7622 5905
The programme is one of a number of new green space programmes being delivered by the This is Clapham BID as part of the ‘Common Ground’ greening strategy. Other projects include improving the planting in Clapham Old Town, delivering a new green space behind Clapham Common Tube Station and installing bee friendly and edible hanging baskets on Landor Road, North Street and Clapham Park Road.
The Orchard will be a temporary installation. Its long-term future depends on the planned regeneration of the Fenwick Estate. But arrangements are in place for local residents to transplant the trees and keep them if they have to move.
If you’re interested in mapping where fruit trees are, or making sure no fruit is wasted, contact Open Orchard. For news of what else is going on to shape the future of Clapham, see the Clapham BID website. If you are a Lambeth Council tenant or leaseholder and want to get an Edible Living scheme going to grow food in your estate or street, please contact Ivor Picardo.
Lambeth Housing Services are keen to support the initiative through our Edible Living project, which works with residents who want to get involved in urban food growing on Council Estates.
This project is funded by the Clapham BID, a business organisation representing 355 businesses in Clapham. The BID raises funds through the BID levy and uses this to address local priorities such as reducing crime, improving cleanliness and enhancing the public realm.