Remember living the LGBT+ life in Lambeth 50, 25 or 5 years ago?
‘Back in the Day’
Did you grow up here? Move to Clapham, Vauxhall or Brixton to be on the doorstep of bars and clubs or around LGBT+ people? Come because Lambeth was one of London’s safest & most inclusive spaces?
- Did you march (or party) for Pride? For Equal marriage? For Age of Consent? For Section28? Have you still got the T-shirt?
- Did you face or fight homophobia?
- Did you party on the scene (new club every week, or were you a regular?) What were you and your friends wearing? (pictures or it didn’t happen!) What did you talk about?
- Did you have your big Gay Wedding in Lambeth? Live with someone you met here? Did you lose friends and lovers along the way?
Let your history have its voice!
We want to hear lived history from LGBT+ people and allies who made a life here and brought Lambeth to life. We want YOUR story told by YOU. Come and share your memories for future generations. We hope to bring people to listen, and to record your words.

Gay Times Tango poster from 1975
Changes and unchanged
We want to get people talking in time to celebrate LGBT history month in February 2020 and then build a collection for years to come. Tell us how LGBT+ lives have changed and how they’ve stayed the same. The joy, the pain, the journey and the progress, the lessons learned and the legacy created for the community around us. Contact us if you’ve got your own story to share.
For more information
If you’re interested in adding your voice to Lambeth’s LGBT history, email LGBTplus@lambeth.gov.uk