Following Lambeth Libraries Readers and Writers Festival in May, get ready for Wild World Heroes, the 2021 Summer Reading Challenge, online and in your local library this summer. Lambeth Libraries, in partnership with The Reading Agency, have teamed up with WWF UK, the world’s leading independent conservation organisation, for a very special nature-themed challenge which will inspire readers to stand up for the planet!
Pack your bags, we’re headed for Wilderville!
It’s a cool place, but there are lots of things that the Wild World Heroes can do to make their town even better for the people and animals that live there.
Read for a medal
Children who sign up to read six books receive a special themed Wild World Heroes collector’s wallet and stickers. A certificate and medal are awarded once the challenge is completed. The fun begins on Saturday 17 July until Sunday 12 September 2021.
Pick six books
The challenge is to read six library books, whatever titles you like, from Lambeth Libraries’ excellent range of books, including eBooks and eAudiobooks! The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 12 to set themselves a reading challenge to help prevent the summer reading ‘dip’ and keep reading, to build their skills and confidence. Children must be a library member to take part. If you are not a library member don’t worry, it’s easy to join and it’s free!
Wild World Heroes Mini Challenge for Under 4s.
Under-4s have not been forgotten and can join in too! Pick up a Mini Wild World Heroes collector wallet, read 6 books over the summer with your child and they will be rewarded with stickers and a certificate.
For more information
For further information on Wild World Heroes visit the Reading Challenge Site or contact Sandra Davidson: sdavidson@lambeth.gov.uk
- We will be hosting online activities and activity packs for you to collect from your local library.
- Keeping checking Libraries pages on the Lambeth Council website for up-to-date information.