London has an ever-growing need for a stronger Voluntary Community Sector. Link UP London, the skilled volunteer matching service, has arrived in Lambeth to help. Link UP brings people with professional skills together with local charities for short-term, meaningful volunteer projects that make a difference in their community
Positive change
“We’re excited to work with the many amazing charities based in Lambeth,” says Link UP London founder Kim Perlow. “Skilled volunteers with experience in design, HR, coaching, accounting, social media, web development and more have already made a huge difference to our Wandsworth charity partners. We can’t wait to see the positive change they bring to Lambeth’s voluntary and community organisation sector.”
Making volunteering accessible
Projects are designed to fit into busy lives, making volunteering easy and accessible. Volunteers are diverse – working, currently out of the workforce or recently retired professionals. Link UP projects help individuals develop experience, skills, networks and increase their confidence. All skills are valued and needed.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Jim Dickson, Lambeth Cabinet member for the Voluntary Sector and Partnerships, said: “I’m delighted that Link UP is bringing its valuable expertise to Lambeth. This council is focused on ensuring the benefits of growth are accessible to all our communities, and the work about to start fully supports that objective.”
Capacity building
Companies and business networks can also take part in Link UP volunteering opportunities. Taking part in volunteer projects has already proved to boost staff leadership skills and increase employee satisfaction.
For more information
- Funded by the Battersea Power Station Foundation, Link UP London has successfully matched local Wandsworth charities with over 50 skilled volunteers since 2016. For case studies from local charities and the volunteers who’ve worked with them, see their information pages.
- Link UP has begun to assess the needs of Lambeth’s local charities and welcomes interest from any that would like to develop a structured project for skilled volunteering, please email Beau Neilson.
- If you have a professional skill, are working, currently searching for a new role, or recently retired and are interested in volunteering for a Lambeth charity email Beau Neilson.