Update: this service will not be available after June 2017
Lambeth Council is a lead member of the Safer Lambeth Partnership and as part of our anti-burglary campaign we are advising residents to take simple steps to help protect your homes as well as offering our pro-active and innovative service called Lock It & Stop It.
Lock It & Stop It is a council-funded scheme offered to Lambeth residents providing FREE security upgrades to your homes. The project started in July 2012 and, working in conjunction with the police and a team of specialist locksmiths, we are already making homes across the borough more safe and secure.
We are happy that Lambeth is currently benefiting from a 25% reduction in burglary. That’s around 652 fewer victims of burglary in the last 12 months. Working together, we can progress to even more reductions.
Lock It & Stop It can provide eligible residents with FREE security upgrades such as:
- Mortis Double Lock Upgrade
- Window Fasteners
- Property Marking Kit
- Spy Holes / Door Chains / Sash Jammers
- Property Marked Warning Stickers
- General Security Advice
Burglary is a serious crime that can blight the lives of our residents. For your reassurance we urge you to take the necessary step to secure your property. For further advice please see the Met Police’s advice on burglary prevention.
If you would like to discuss Lock It & Stop It further, or if you would like to arrange a free assessment, then please call us on 020 7926 2733.