Update: this service will not be available after June 2017
Lambeth Council is a lead member of the Safer Lambeth Partnership and as part of our anti-burglary campaign we are advising residents to take simple steps to help protect their homes as well as offering our pro-active service called Lock It & Stop It.
Lock It & Stop It is a council funded scheme offered to Lambeth residents providing FREE security upgrades to your home, working in partnership with the police and a team of specialist locksmiths we’re already making homes across the borough safer and secure.
We are happy that Lambeth is currently benefiting from a 25% reduction in burglary. That’s around 652 fewer victims of burglary in the last 12 months. Working together, we can progress to even more reductions.
Lock It & Stop It can provide eligible residents with FREE security upgrades such as:
- Lock Upgrade
- Window Fasteners
- Property Marking Kit
- Spy Holes / Door Chains / Sash Jammers
- Property Marked Warning Stickers
- General Security Advice
Be Vigilant and Secure your home
Use these simple steps to secure your home and keep criminals out:
- Lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house
- Hide all the keys, including car key, out of sight and away from the letter box.
- Leave the radios or lights in your property on a timer to make your home appear occupied.
If you are a Lambeth resident and have been a victim of burglary or would like to receive a free security assessment contact the Lambeth Community Safety Service on 020 7926 2733.
View the Lock It & Stop It leaflet for simple steps to secure your home and keep criminals out.