The LHPP team attended the London Health Board Conference at City Hall on 2 October. The conference shared a strategy on how London can become the healthiest city in the world: Our Vision for London. The vision commits to maintaining a world class health promotion service across the city through the LHPP.
The team took the opportunity to discuss with the Mayor the latest Do It London campaign. Which not only communicates the great progress London is making on reducing HIV incidence, with recent data showing a 42% overall decrease in new diagnoses of HIV in London between 2015 and 2018, but also promotes combination prevention.
Combination prevention is the most effective way of preventing HIV. It promotes frequent HIV testing, regular condom use, and awareness of PrEP & U=U to not just those most at risk, but all Londoners. These are the four icons on our poster!
For more information
- The LHPP is a London-wide sexual health promotion initiative. The programme is funded by 32 participating London boroughs and managed on their behalf by Lambeth council.
- For more information about the LHPP please visit our website or email JMarch@Lambeth.gov.uk.