A 12-page special edition of Lambeth Talk for businesses and the self-employed is available now with advice on funding for companies including arts and charities organisations as well as commercial businesses; changes to legislation like rents and waste collection; information on protecting local businesses (including translated versions) and a statement of Lambeth Council’s support for the local economy by the leader of Lambeth Council.
Page by page guide
- Coronavirus business interruption loan scheme – including Government Support for loans for up to 6 years, including úp to £250K with personal guarantees needed.
- Business survey in Lambeth.
- Letter from Cllr jack Hopkins, Leader of Lambeth Council, on Lambeth’s local economy support package.
- Advice on claiming cash grants at a range of levels for small businesses.
- Protecting local businesses – including initiatives for support such as rent relief for more than 300 businesses who are council tenants, business rates relief for retail, hospitality and leisure companies, freezing charges for business waste services while they’re not being used, a Business Task Force with Lambeth’s seven Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), the Government-backed Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme and a refund for Statutory Sick Pay costs.
- A new CV job retention scheme and self-employent income support.
- Access to workshops and skills development including on-line workshops and advice on business resilience.
- Advice on new legislation to allow pubs, restuarants and cafes to offer takeaway food while they’re closed to the public.
- Funding routes for arts and charities, plus info on the Digital Culture Network.
- New funding available for small businesses, including London Community Response and an emergency fund drawn from Heritage Lottery Funds.
- The advice on protecting local businesses translated into Portuguese and Polish for Lambeth communities.
- ‘Shop local’: information on how spending money in Lambeth shops generates more money in circulation locally and benefits the local economy – including ideas like buying a gift token for a Lambeth shop now to spend later.
Your copy of Lambeth Talk business edition
- This special edition is being hand-delivered to Lambeth business addresses starting this week to be completed after Easter. London Letterbox who are delivering this second special edition of Lambeth Talk within a month, confirm that all staff are issued with gloves and masks and enabled to work while maintaining social distancing.
- You can also download a PDF copy to read from this page.