Every day thousands of acts of neighbourliness take place on our Lambeth streets, on our estates/blocks and in our buildings. Living in an area with good neighbours makes us feel safer, provides a local support system and increase our wellbeing.
From saying hello when you bump into each other on the street, to being respectful of the noise levels in your home so they don’t disturb your neighbours, it’s the little things that count. Being neighbourly makes a positive contribution to how we feel about where we live and for this reason the ‘Love Your Neighbour’ campaign aims to celebrate neighbourliness that takes place in all parts of the borough and to encourage more neighbourly acts to happen.
Get involved in ‘Love Your Neighbour’
‘Love Your Neighbour is a part of our Do Your Right Thing campaign. It’s something that everyone can be part of by simply by being a good neighbour.
You can get involved in the ‘Love Your Neighbour’ campaign in different ways.
- Firstly and most importantly of all continue to be a friendly neighbour and tell others about good things that neighbours do for each other.
- We want to celebrate those of you who are good neighbours. Post a story and/or photo about a neighbourly act that has made a difference to you or to one of your neighbours. Share on our ‘Lambeth Council’ Facebook page or our Twitter feed @lambeth_council. You could also email communications@lambeth.gov.uk
- Why not organise an activity with your neighbours. This could be a street party or a community fresh view. You could get involved in the Estates Pride programme (open pdf), or you could even join together and apply for your road to become a play street.
- You could volunteer to take on one the following roles as a street/neighbourhood representative:
- Become a Street Champion
- Sign up to be a Snow Warden
- Join your local Neighbourhood Watch scheme or start one up on your street
Whether it’s one of our suggestions or you find other ways, we hope that you will support the ‘Love Your Neighbour’ campaign in any way you choose. And remember to let us know about it!
For more information on our Do The Right Thing campaign, including Love Your Neighbour, visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/DoTheRightThing