Today marks week two of Fostering Fortnight. Our carers were asked to record short phone videos to talk about their experience of fostering for Lambeth. They would like to encourage anyone thinking about fostering to come forwards.
Watch the video here
The Fostering Team are here to support and answer any queries, please contact us to discuss anything further. The need for foster carers is now more than ever over – as over the forthcoming months more and more children and their families become affected by coronavirus.
We welcome applicants from any walk of life. Your sexuality, marital status, age, religion, disability and whether you own a home don’t determine your ability to become a foster carer.
We also consider applications from people who are working, but you’ll need to have some flexibility to meet all the needs of any child in your care.
To become a Lambeth foster carer, there are a few basic criteria you must meet. You should be:
- over 21 years old
- have a spare bedroom
- be a full-time resident in the UK or have indefinite leave to remain
- have good spoken and written English.
Find out more
To take your first steps to becoming a foster carer, there are many things you can do:
- Register for our online fostering information evening – this Thursday 21 May at 7pm.
- Complete our online enquiry form to arrange a call-back from a member of the team.
- Call a member of the team today on 020 7926 8710 or email fosteringduty@lambeth.gov.uk
- Visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/foster to find out what makes Lambeth special, hear some more real-life foster carer stories and understand more about the exellent support you’ll get from our team along the way.