Happy New Year! Want to look, feel and be more amazing in 2019? Whether it’s cash in your pocket, saving for a holiday, trying for a baby or a new fitness challenge, motivation to stop smoking may not be enough.
Mix and match methods
The great news is there are now more tools than ever to help you quit smoking. The more you try, the greater your chances. And mixing and matching makes you much more likely to win.
What’s available in Lambeth
Pharmacy support: In Lambeth you can visit one of our participating pharmacies for free face-to-face support for the first six weeks of your journey to become smokefree, and up to twelve weeks’ supply of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or Champix medication. Find your nearest pharmacy
Specialist service
If you’re in one of the groups below you can refer yourself to the Lambeth community Stop Smoking service. Phone 0800 856 3409 or 020 3049 5791.
- Diagnosed with one or more long term conditions, including mental illnesses
- Pregnant women and their partners
- A parent with children aged 5 or under
- Smokers considered to be complicated cases, such as chronic smokers
During your first appointment, your Stop Smoking Specialist will take you through the stages of stopping – preparing to stop, actually stopping and staying stopped. You will receive a minimum of 6 weeks’ free one to one behavioural support through your journey to become smoke free. Your specialist will help and support you in your choice and use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or Champix medication.
What’s available London-wide?
- Digital mobile apps on your phone give you tips, advice and encouragement when you need them most.
- Motivational support from trained and qualified health advisers.
- E-Cigarettes (Vaping) fight your nicotine cravings – at a fraction of the risk of cigarettes.
- Mix and match with:
- Prescribed medications – Two prescription-only medications Champix and Zyban – come as a pill to be taken daily.
- Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) products (eg lozenges and patches) including a low level of nicotine, helping you fight cravings as you quit..
Find out more
See Stop Smoking London’s information pages or call 0300 123 1044 for one of our advisors.
Success stories?
Are YOU a stop smoking success story? Contact Stop Smoking London and inspire other people to quit.