Nina Barough CBE, Founder and Chief Executive of Walk the Walk said: “We’ve been starting and finishing The MoonWalk London in Clapham Common for five years, and Lambeth Council and residents have really embraced it. It’s a bit quirky, an event unlike any other.
Scalp cooling
“We’ve been investing in scalp cooling machines for 12 years. We wanted to help people on the front line, going through chemotherapy. Losing your hair is often the final straw for the patient, it can be devastating for kids to see their mum without hair, it can be a stigma saying ‘I’m having chemotherapy’ to people wanting to stay at work.
Saving not replacing
“At first we thought about buying really good wigs with some of the funds, not just from The MoonWalk London, but from every fundraising event throughout the year. I met someone on a MoonWalk who said ‘Why not help people save their hair instead?’ Scalp cooling has proved to help some people keep 30% to 60% of their hair.
Everyone’s choice
“At first it was a postcode lottery – there were hospitals in Stornoway and The Shetlands with scalp coolers before anywhere in London. It’s a choice everyone should have, it makes a huge difference to self-confidence, it empowers people with cancer. It’s not just for breast cancer, it’s for all types.
Triple approach
“We invest around £1million a year on scalp cooling. We also fund work for people who have cancer now, long-term research into cures, and prevention. We know 12% of breast cancer could be prevented with lifestyle changes, and the World Cancer Trust says 38% of ALL cancer could be.
Something wonderful
“We’ve just reached £6 million in fundraising this year and people in Lambeth should take a bit of ownership of that. If it wasn’t for you we’d be £6 million less able to help and the world of cancer patients would be a lot more miserable. Every year, people in Lambeth see the big pink tent, come in to find out more, and volunteer, or go and get sponsored and walk with us. Collectively, we do something wonderful just by putting one foot in front of the other.”
For more information
- The MoonWalk London 2019
- Men Get Breast Cancer Too!. Find out more