After a year of keeping in touch with members by telephone, and working on new digital inclusion solutions for online contact, mental health charity Mosaic Clubhouse has reopened its doors.
Open doors
CEO Chris says: “We’ve had our first two weeks back, and it feels great to welcome members through our doors again. While we’ve been operating throughout three lockdowns, supporting people face to face is what we do best.” Member Maria said “Having Mosaic open has given me the opportunity to see people I haven’t seen in months and has given some structure back to my day”.
Back in action
The Information Hub, providing information and signposting for Lambeth residents and our Evening Sanctuary service, with short-term support for mental health crisis, are now back in the building.
Digital Inclusion
During three lockdowns we have tackled new challenges. Towards the end of last year, we launched a digital inclusion project. In partnership with Morley College, to date, we have provided:
- over 80 members with devices
- 50 with internet
- over 40 hours of one-to-one digital skills tuition and
- supported over 40 members to access digital workshops and ICT courses.
Stay connected
Getting online was vital during lockdown, so Members can access online services and stay connected with friends and family. But in an increasingly digitalised world, it will help members in many aspects of their lives.
More information
- Mosaic Clubhouse mental health charity has been in Lambeth for more than 25 years. The central idea of a clubhouse is that staff and people who use the service are members, running the centre together. Mosaic members work on reception, in the cafe, do gardening, put together the newsletter, keep our database up to date and support recruitment and fundraising work. This helps members build confidence and skills and provides structure and social inclusion. Members can also get support to find work or get back into education. We are currently operating with limited capacity because of social distancing, and recommend booking ahead.
- If you or someone you know could benefit from our service, (to join you need to have a mental health diagnosis and be a Lambeth resident), have a look at our website or call 0207 924 9657