Mosaic Clubhouse on Effra Road is a community centre that provides opportunities to people with mental illness. The philosophy behind the clubhouse is that shared responsibility and genuine contribution within a supportive community can build self-esteem and alleviate the stigma often experienced by those living with mental illness.
The concept of membership is crucial to the Mosaic Clubhouse. Members work side-by-side with staff in running all aspects of the clubhouse and making decisions about its future. Members are able to access activities and services in the community and there is a café area open to anyone living in Lambeth with a mental illness.
Mosaic also works with local employers, including the NHS and The Cambian Group, to provide members with paid employment of up to 15 hours a week for six to nine months. A staff member trains with the Clubhouse member and fills in if the member is unable to work.
Members of Mosaic are able to fulfil their potential and achieve a sense of belonging, dignity and self-worth through employment, housing, social and educational choices available through the clubhouse. Much more than simply a programme or a social service, it’s a community of people who are working together to achieve a common goal.
Sean writes of his experience: “From the first day to now, Mosaic has helped me get back on my feet. I have got more confidence in speaking in groups and explaining my problems which I didn’t do before. I was always a bit embarrassed.
“I have now started to think that I would like to help other people, do some voluntary Peer Support work and think about it for a possible job in the future.
“I’ve learnt a lot from my ups and downs in life and I would like to pass that on to other people, help them in the same way Mosaic has helped me.I would recommend Mosaic to anyone.”
One in four people in the UK will suffer a mental health problem in the course of a year according to the Mental Health Foundation. The cost of mental health problems to the economy in England have recently been estimated at £105 billion, and treatment costs are expected to double in the next 20 years (Department of Health, 2011).
Maresa Ness, Chief Executive of Mosaic Clubhouse said: “The demand for the services at Mosaic Clubhouse is stronger than ever with 489 members and 389 referrals to our service in 2013/14; of which 30 members went on to secure paid employment and 94 members secured educational opportunities. Mosaic Clubhouse is particularly proud of recent national acknowledgements; being highly commended in the Charity Awards and shortlisted for the Charity Times Awards.”
How you can help?
You can donate to Mosaic Clubhouse and every penny goes towards maintaining their vital community. Click here to find out more about how your donation helps.
Want to know more?
To find out more about the services on offer visit the Mosaic Clubhouse website here.