We invite local organisations including those in retail, leisure and care sectors and employers, who want to improve life for people with dementia, to come along to our new year network event and hear about progress towards making Lambeth more dementia friendly.
We’ll get an update about Lambeth Together, the plan to join up social care with the local NHS. We’ll review the five priorities in the Alliance’s four-year Action Plan:
- To increase awareness and understanding of dementia in Lambeth
- To ensure a good range of local dementia friendly social and leisure activities
- To increase the number of dementia friendly businesses and services
- To encourage more joined up and dementia friendly health and care services
- To develop our work with local residents and partners
We’ll hear from local businesses; and everyone will get a chance to try out the tovertafel – using light games to give people with dementia back the right to play. It’s based on scientific research into how the physical and social environment affects activity among older people with dementia.
Book your place
Book your free place at the event via Eventbrite
For more information
- For more about the Lambeth Dementia Action Alliance see their information pages
- Book a demonstration or read more about the Tovertafel online
- For more about local services see the Lambeth Age UK My Community directory, which a has a monthly events listing.
- National Dementia Connect directory lists thousands of local information and support services run by Alzheimer’s Society and other organisations. You can promote your organisation’s services for free.
- You can arrange a Dementia Friends session – a fun, interactive way to learn about how dementia can affect people’s lives. Led by a volunteer Dementia Friends Champion, the session lasts 45-60 minutes and covers five key messages everyone should know. At the end, participants turn understanding into action by committing to a dementia-friendly action – from wearing a Dementia Friends badge to spreading the word on social media. (Please note: A Dementia Friends Information Session is not training; volunteer Champions are not experts so will not be able to provide further information or advice; and are not DBS-checked).