Have you or a loved one ever been in a position where an important decision had to be made at a time of crisis? Maybe you were in hospital and you needed treatment or you were struggling to live safely in your own home and had to be moved elsewhere.
Sounds familiar? Then join us for a workshop where you can share your experiences and learn more.
The workshop will aim to:
- explain how the Mental Capacity Act 2005 protects you and your loved ones from having decisions (like the ones above) made about you without your consent.
- help you understand how health and social care professionals including doctors, nurses and social workers are expected by law, to work with you in making important decisions about your life.
- teach you your rights around decision making and empower you and your loved ones to challenge decisions that other people are making on your behalf.
This workshop is open to anyone who wants to learn more about supported decision making and when decisions may be made on your behalf.
- When: Friday 18 November 2016, 9:30am till 1pm
- Where: We Are 336, Brixton.
To register for your free ticket or for more information please visit the Eventbrite booking page.
If you would like more information please email the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board at LSABAdmin@lambeth.gov.uk.