Clapham Library will host and co-curate the first London exhibition of paintings by Jamaican-born (and New York raised) artist Jackson Shuri. “This is my first solo exhibition in London and I want to thank Lambeth Council for making this happen. My first exhibition, fresh out of high school, was at the Jericho Public Library, in NY’s Long Island. To be having my exhibition in a London library brings back memories and is quite special’
Updated life
At the age of 16, Jackson left Jamaica to start a new life in the United States with her adopted mother. Now 32, about to start a new phase in her life journey, Jackson’s ’16:32’ show is both an illustration and a celebration of her art to date.
Current affairs
Jackson’s work is inspired by current affairs and Pop culture. This show includes her “flag series which comments on the current state of politics in America, the Black Lives Matters and Women’s Reproductive Rights Campaigns”.
Pushing our culture
Jackson is thankful for the platform offered by Clapham Library to showcase her work and share it with Lambeth residents and the London art scene. “I am touched when government organisations help to push African and Afro-Caribbean culture, as our community is usually left unrepresented and marginalized”.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said “I am pleased to see Jackson present her work in Lambeth. Lambeth Libraries are keen to support artists in order to provide networking and commercial opportunities and to enable the community to perceive art as stimulating and thought-provoking, and to interact with art as part of everyday life. I look forward to attending the show!”
Cultivating the culture
Jackson is adamant that art in public libraries is an essential factor in enabling a new, larger audience to engage with artists’ work: “Art in public spaces is a necessary part of cultivating community engagement and appreciation for the myriad of cultures around us. Too often, families have to choose between paying bills and a trip to an art gallery. It’s sad to note that whenever there is a deficit in the schools budget, art is usually the first to be cut. Having libraries and other public spaces display artwork is an amazing way to give art education and expose the young to the arts.” Rather than ask for a fee, she has asked that 15% commission on every sale will be paid to Clapham Library.
For more information
- JACKSON SHURI – 16: 32 16 November 2018 – 16 January 2019; Private view and drinks reception: Thursday Nov 15th, 16: 32pm. For the private view, email Rosella Black
- For details of Clapham Library opening hours see the Council’s information pages