Parklets are small areas of the kerbside that can be used as public spaces for socialising, space for children to play and greening to boost sustainability, or as extra space for public cycle storage.
Lambeth’s Community Parklets Scheme aims to establish 25 parklets across the borough – one in each electoral ward – to make streets greener and more pleasant public spaces.
Deputy leader Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, cabinet member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, said: “Our parklet building programme is one of the biggest in London and we are delighted to invite new applications from residents who want to make real improvements to their neighbourhoods.
“We want to end the era of Lambeth’s streets being dominated by motor vehicle traffic or cars lining the kerbside and taking up space that could be used for more sustainable things.
“Parklets are a vital part of our vision for everyone in Lambeth to enjoy equal access to their local streets and the kerbside and will work with residents to make sure everyone can benefit from new public spaces.”
The Community Parklets Scheme is supported by the council’s Big Shift programme that is supporting residents to leave their cars at home and consider more active ways to get around the borough.
Applicants for the latest round are encouraged to read the submission criteria and speak to their neighbours to gain support for their idea. Residents can then fill in an online application form that will be considered by council officers.
Successful applicants will be supported through the design phase and would help with the day-to-day upkeep of their parklet.
Cllr Chowdhury added: “The Community Parklets Scheme empowers local people to share their ideas on how parklets can create a wider benefit for their area.
“I would encourage residents with a bright idea to speak to their neighbours, secure their support and tell us why a parklet will benefit your area. We are transforming our streets with the help of those who want to make Lambeth a more sustainable and pleasant place to live and work.”
The deadline for submissions for the second round of applications is October 29.
To apply visit the Big Shift website