What do you think about community pharmacies in Lambeth?
We are conducting a survey to better understand the views of people who regularly use pharmacy services in Lambeth. Your opinions are valuable in helping us plan for the future to ensure high quality and easily accessible services. We are interested in how easy you find it to access pharmacy services, and whether you have any specific difficulties with this, for example, in relation to opening hours, your mobility, or communication difficulties.
Pharmacies provide over the counter medicines as well as those that your GP prescribes. They can also offer health advice and information. We are interested in your views of where we could enhance pharmacies to offer a broader range of health services.
Please take 10-15 minutes to complete this confidential survey.
There are no right or wrong answers and Lambeth Council will not be able to identify you from any of the information and answers given. The results of this survey will be available in autumn 2017 on the council’s website.
Complete the Lambeth Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Survey.