About 50 people attended the event on Wednesday 14 October at 336 Brixton Road.
Members of Lambeth Mencap and the Learning Disability Assembly performed an enlightening and engaging drama which prompted a lively discussion about hate crime and what to do about it. One of the suggestions we’d like to develop further, was for Disability Awareness Training in schools and colleges to help combat Disability Hate Crime.
People were encouraged to add their comments and views to our graffiti wall, which was an opportunity to share personal experiences and hear about the support available from the local police and other agencies.
Clubhouse Mosaic videoed key points in the day and gave participants an opportunity to record their stories. Footage will be edited into a video to show what people feel about Disability Hate Crime in Lambeth.
On the day, the Partnership announcement that Trust for London had awarded £70,000 to fund a part-time dedicated worker to develop its work and help set up a third party reporting centre, was greeted with a huge round of applause!
Find out more about the Lambeth Hate Crime Disability Partnership here.
About Disability Lambeth
We are a membership organisation and I would love more people to join us.
We offer free membership to individuals (disabled people / unpaid carers), groups and organisations.
You can keep in touch via our newsletter and you can find out about getting involved with campaigns, events and social activities.
Call me on 020 7501 8976 or email louise.holden@disabilitylambeth.org.uk.