The proposals would build over 700 new homes on the Knight’s Walk, South Lambeth and Westbury estates. Every current secure council tenant on these estates will be able to move into a brand new home at council rent on the rebuilt estates. In addition, the plans will deliver dozens of genuinely affordable new homes.
Lambeth’s Cabinet endorsed recommendations to redevelop the three estates, as part of the wider programme to provide more and better homes for the people on the estates and the borough as a whole.
Now, after extensive design work and discussions with residents, the final plans have been submitted for planning approval.
Knight’s Walk
The proposals for Knight’s Walk estate would see 15 homes retained and 18 demolished, to be replaced by 84 new homes with 17 of these at council-level rent and 39 affordable overall.
A proposed redevelopment of the Westbury estate would provide 270 new homes, with 46 of these at council-level rent and 89 affordable overall. An additional phase of 64 new homes at council-level rent will be built on the estate as part of the wider Westbury project.
South Lambeth
The application for South Lambeth estate sets out a plan for 362 new homes, with 67 of these at council-level rent and 133 affordable overall.
The Key Guarantees
As laid out in the Key Guarantees, every secure tenant will be able to move to a brand-new home at council level rent, and affordable options will be provided to help resident homeowners to stay on their estates.
Better Homes
Knight’s Walk, South Lambeth and Westbury are among six estates included in the borough’s estate regeneration programme. These applications are part of the wider work, which has already delivered almost 200 new council-level rent homes in the borough since 2014 with further schemes that have already been given planning permission or are in development due to deliver an additional 700 homes at council-level rent in the next few years. To deliver this, Lambeth has set up Homes for Lambeth (HFL), a company fully owned by the council. It will also build private homes which will help pay for the better affordable homes.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Paul McGlone, Deputy Leader of the Council (Investment and Partnerships): “We have pledged to play our part in tackling Lambeth’s housing crisis head-on, by increasing the number of high-quality and genuinely affordable homes available for everyone in the borough, including the people living in overcrowded or temporary accommodation, or those on our housing waiting list.
“These applications are a clear signal that we are delivering on that pledge to redevelop our housing estates to provide more and better homes for the people living there, and for people elsewhere in Lambeth.
“We have worked closely with our residents on the design of the new homes and we will continue to work with them as these ambitious projects are delivered. These projects are part of our overall commitment to deliver hundreds of genuinely affordable homes for local people.”
More information on the applications are available at: