Polish Heritage Day 2019 highlights the thriving contribution of the Polish community in Lambeth – the biggest minority in the UK. But you don’t need to be Polish to be included – come and meet your neighbours!
Creative craft
Lambeth’s main Polish heritage, culture and community event is on 11 May at Wheatsheaf Community Hall, 11am to 1pm, offering children and adults in Lambeth loads of hands- on creative experiences through craft workshops. As well as learning about Polish culture you can try delicious traditional Polish food. And for true multicultural flavour, Poles Connect have invited an unmissable, spectacular Latin American show dance by Asociación de Padres y Madres Latinos en UK.
Polish readers, writers and artists
Throughout the month Polish writing, art and photography are featured as part of Lambeth’s Readers and Writers festival, in partnership with Lambeth Libraries
- 18 May, West Norwood Library, 3pm – 4.30pm
Meet author Weronika Mliczewska, who will talk about her writing and experience of travelling in different cultures. Followed by screening of several short films.
- 1 – 31 May, Lambeth Archives – Minet Library
Exhibition: Illustrations of post-war Polish community life in South London, by Lambeth-based illustrator Karolina Jonc-Buczek.
- 1 – 31 May at West Norwood Library
Exhibition: ‘Home to Home’ – portraits of Polish Londoners by Urszula Sołtys (see header photo) and Anna Dawid.
Across the UK, May’s calendar includes over 150 events to welcome everyone willing to find out more about Polish culture and heritage.
For more information
- May’s Polish Community events are organised by Poles Connect at the Stockwell Partnership Follow them on Facebook
- Asociación de Padres y Madres Latinos en UK are part of IRMO Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation. See their information pages
- Lambeth Libraries month-long Readers & Writers festival starts May 1, including drama, reading groups, music, photography and more .
- contact your local library or email readersandwriters@lambeth.gov.uk
- see daily calendar events
- download the Festival guide