Cllr Claire Holland, Leader of Lambeth Council, welcomed 150 guests from the Lambeth LGBTQ+ community to the Council’s second-ever official Pride reception.
Word from the Leader of Lambeth Council
“It’s really fitting that we should be here. This Assembly Hall is where the Gay Liberation Front held fundraising discos in the 1970s, laying the foundations for Pride in London and the UK. Tonight, we’re stating again our commitment to bringing Pride back to Lambeth.
“As a Council we have a duty to stand up for our communities. This week we’re making a formal commitment to backing the new Government’s transformational five-year plan for LGBTQ+ rights.
“We thank all the activists and allies in the room for what you’ve done for all of us – the fight against injustice, intolerance, hate and ignorance. Our Borough Plan for 2030 includes our mission to be ‘a Place We Can All Call Home’, and it’s no accident that Lambeth is home to London’s largest LGBTQ+ community. Your work makes people feel it’s a safe place to be.”
Pride in the future
Lambeth’s Acting Chief Executive, Fiona Connolly said: “Lambeth is proud to host ‘Do it London’, the HIV Prevention programme with a target of 0% new infections by 2030. To have a programme teaching GP surgeries to provide personalised care for LGBTQ+ patients. To be home to the safe, affirming space that is the first LGBTQ+ retirement community. Proud to have a place in Stonewall’s Top 100 LGBTQ+ inclusive employers, and to be working with LHBT Hero on making safer spaces.
“As a council committed to equity and justice, Lambeth is committed to the Pride agenda. But we need the community leading us on what Lambeth Pride should be. We need people who are not afraid of challenges. Please come to our meeting on September 17 to discuss Lambeth Pride – we need you to be part of it.”
More information
Community guests included:
- LGBT Hero – campaigning health charity who train Lambeth businesses willing to create welcoming spaces.
- Tonic Housing, operators of London’s first housing and care scheme dedicated to LGBTQ+ people.
- Metro – charity working in partnership with Lambeth to deliver Health, community and youth services.
- No To Hate Crime, raising awareness of the17-24-30 campaign in memory of homophobic and racist nail bomb attacks in Soho, Brick Lane and Lambeth, and their yearly HOPE campaign focusing on Hate Crime, Operational Response, Prevention and Engagement.
- London Gay Men’s Chorus entertained with classics from Baccara, Diana Ross, Erasure and Meghan Trainor.