Autumn’s Lambeth Talk features a cover photo by Jim Grover from his Windrush Generation exhibition at Clapham Library, bringing into focus Lambeth’s Autumn celebrations of Black History and local heritage.
Your news and features include:
- Introduction from Cllr Claire Holland, Leader of Lambeth Council, on the Heritage Festival and Black History Month events in the borough.
- News pages including Lambeth’s partnership with Price William’s ‘Homeward’ initiative to make homelessness rare, short and unrepeated; Car-free Day in Lambeth; the ‘Bike the Borough’ campaign; and the annual Special Needs and Disability Survey.
- Interview with Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, Deputy Leader of the Council (Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air) on Lambeth’s ambitions to move towards more sustainable transport and cleaner air with tree planting and fewer cars.
- A record year for Lambeth’s parks and green spaces with 23 Green Flag awards won, including a first-time entry from Streatham Common.
- Black History Month in October with more than 40 events in the borough; and Lambeth’s Heritage Festival including talks and guided walks to see wildlife and follow the footsteps of the Windrush Generation.
- News on Lambeth Archives’ move from the Minet Library to Brixton Hill.
- Advice on cost of living help they can find via Lambeth Council.
- Advice on HIV Prevention, Fostering, Active Lambeth, Blood Pressure Testing and more.
Get your copy of Lambeth Talk
- Your new Lambeth Talk will be distributed free by post to every household and business in the borough, with deliveries from the first week of July.
- Or you can download it or read it on Lambeth Council’s website.