Our first edition of the New Year is focused on health and wellbeing and looking at different opportunities available in the borough to help you be healthy, fit and active.
On page 7, find out about free NHS health checks that can help detect potential health issues before they become a real problem.
On page 8 we hear from the Aurora Project Lambeth, a Brixton based charity working with people in treatment for alcohol and drug use in the borough.
On page 10 we highlight some of the gym-free ways to keep fit in our parks that won’t cost you a penny. And, on page 11 we shine the spotlight on Norwood and some of the activities in the area that could help you do the right thing for your health and wellbeing.
In our regular What’s on guide we have something for everyone – young and old – from singing to cricket to a business master class!
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Have an idea for Lambeth Talk? If you have something you want to tell residents and local businesses about or if you know of someone, a project or organisation in the borough that you think would be great to feature in Lambeth talk let us know.
Email lambethtalk@lambeth.gov.uk or leave a comment below.
[…] Council has defied the orders of Eric Pickles MP by pressing ahead and publishing a January edition of Lambeth Talk. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government wrote to Lambeth Council back in […]