The latest Lambeth Talk magazine brings you news and updates from Lambeth Council and the community. The cover photo shows one of the borough’s key priorities – tackling climate change.
Your news includes
- Introduction from the Leader of Lambeth Council, Cllr Clare Holland, asking residents, businesses and organisations to take the climate pledge, and news of what we’re doing to alleviate the pressures of the cost-of-living crisis affecting so many families.
- News pages including updates on our Safer Streets campaign to improve safety in public places, particularly reducing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG); ending the use of weedkiller glysophate to protect pollinators like butterflies and bees; and the live return of Lambeth Country Show to Brockwell Park this July.
- Our Climate Action Plan based on recommendations from the Citizens’ Assembly and online consultation with diverse voices across the borough.
- Lambeth’s blueprint for acting on the 62 recommendations of the national IICSA report into abuse and neglect experienced by children formerly in care.
- A new electoral map of Lambeth showing new names, boundaries and councillor numbers in our reorganised wards.Working with charity UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) to become a Child Friendly Community, making Lambeth one of the best places in the country for children to grow up.
- Launch of our new Childminders’ website.
- “Spring of food and fun” free places in holiday clubs during the school holidays.
- Lambeth’s Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan launched as part of London’s first ever Great Mental Health Day.
Get your copy of Lambeth Talk
- Your new Lambeth Talk will be distributed free by post to every household and business in the borough, with deliveries starting on 1 March.
- Or you can read it online or download it now.