If you couldn’t make it to the event, here are answers to some frequently asked questions and concerns from our residents at the event.
How do I know what I can and can’t recycle?
There is an A – Z list on our website, detailing all types of materials and where they should be placed for waste treatment or recycling.
How do I recycle the lids of bottles or jars?
Plastic bottles should be emptied, rinsed and flattened, before putting the lid back on and recycled as one unit. Metal lids should be taken off jars and recycled separately in the same recycling bin.
Will the Refuse and Recycling Centre at Vale Street continue with its booking system?
The booking system at Vale St was put in place to control congestion and queues during peak times which can disrupt bus routes. It also has the added benefit of managing the types of vehicles that can be brought to Vale St. For this reason, the booking system will remain in place for the time being.
How should I present my dry mixed recycling for collection?
Unless you live in a flat above a shop, your dry mixed recycling should be placed loose in your green bin. We strongly discourage the use of plastic bags as they are often not recyclable through Serco’s service.
Will we receive a food waste service?
If you are a resident of Lambeth who lives in a house/kerbside property, you are entitled to a food waste collection. If you live in a flat/estate, Serco are rolling out food waste to every resident in the coming years.
What happens to my waste and recycling after it has been collected?
Waste in Lambeth is taken to either the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at Western Riverside Waste Authority (WRWA) or to a biological treatment facility in Southwark.
Thank you once again for all your questions and captivating conversations. Do you have a recycling and waste management question? Please contact us by email on streetcarecallcentre@lambeth.gov.uk or call 020 7926 9000 and select option 1.