Since April, 60 Lambeth young people have been exploring future careers and developing their confidence thanks to a new Futures programme being piloted by Lambeth Council.
Delivered by We Rise
Funded from developer contributions, the programme is delivered by We Rise, a new Brixton-based community business that aims to tackle disadvantage and empower young people to create successful futures.
Norwood’s Schools
Two secondary schools, Elmgreen and Norwood, volunteered to pilot this careers inspiration programme aimed at year 9 students who are at moderate risk of future unemployment. We Rise worked closely with the schools to develop interventions to motivate, inspire and support their students to make the most of a range of interactions with employers.
Over 10 months, each young person has had a weekly session with a coach, a weekly personal development workshop, opportunities to travel and explore workplaces across London, and a series of networking sessions involving in-depth discussions with professionals – both in school and at employers offices. In total our Futures cohort met 60 different professionals who helped them learn the content of different jobs and what it takes to succeed at work. They have also explored themselves, their identity, values and interests, and presented their unique “Story of Me”.
Graduation showcase
The programme culminates with a Graduation and Showcase Event at Lambeth Town Hall on January 17th. This is a fantastic opportunity for these young people to connect with their community as they seek future opportunities and work experience. Please do come along and support them.
Go online to book a free place at the graduation ceremony
For more information
We Rise, International House, Brixton SW9 7QE
tel: 07986 291726