Nearly 100 governors were invited to the ceremony at Lambeth Town Hall in Brixton where they received a certificate and a commemorative plaque from the Lambeth Mayor Cllr Ibrahim Dogus.
Cllr Jane Pickard, Deputy Cabinet Member for Schools and Young People, said: “School governors play a hugely important role in the education of our young people and their voluntary efforts are hugely appreciated. Their long term passion and dedication is to be applauded and this awards ceremony is richly deserved.”
The Governors are from all walks of life who hold or have held various jobs, while also freely giving their time and sharing their learning and experiences with the local community. All the invited governors have served on one or more Lambeth school governing boards for three or more terms of office. Each term of office is four years, meaning that these dedicated and loyal governors have all been working for the benefit of Lambeth children for twelve years or more.
Many, if not all these governors have led their schools through several Ofsted inspections, with the majority of schools in Lambeth now graded “Outstanding” or “Good”. During an Ofsted inspection, the inspectors always look at the effectiveness of the governing board, whether they have a clear vision for the school; whether they are holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the children and their engagement with the school community.
The governors are also responsible for schools’ budgets and whether the schools are providing value for money.
Lambeth Council welcomes applications from prospective governors who wish to give something back to their local community. Prospective governors will be interviewed by a panel of current Chairs of Governors and are then put forward to any schools with vacancies.
Residents who are interested in becoming a governor of a Lambeth school can find more information on the council’s website.