Tell us your priorities for children with special educational needs
We recently consulted you about your priorities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Families are telling us we must offer a mix of inclusive mainstream schools, specialist resource bases, special schools and specialist colleges in Lambeth so that, as far as possible, all our children and young people can be educated within their local community. Now we want your opinions on the best way to invest around £3.5 million on doing that.
Investing in provision for children with EHC Plans
To support keeping young people in Lambeth, we are hopeful that, subject to consultation and a clear plan, we can access up to £1.2m over 3 years from 2018/19. We propose placing additional resources at existing early years, primary and secondary schools in Lambeth to support children and young people (aged 0-25 years) with education, health and care plans (EHC).
Looking for ways to keep more children in Lambeth
We are consulting you on a proposal to provide capital investment in Lambeth to assist in the reduction of the number and cost of independent, non-maintained placements and reduce the number of out-of-borough placements for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. While we need to be realistic in what this relatively small amount of capital funding will provide (given that the cost of a brand new special school, for example, would be well over £10 million) we believe that this money can help us invest in this area.
How to give your views
The consultation will run from Friday 19 Jan 2018 until Sunday 18 Feb 2018 and can be found on the Lambeth Consultation Pages and Lambeth Local Offer pages.