Share  memories of bereavement to help others

4 May 2019

Written by: Healthwatch Lambeth

Health and Wellbeing - Voluntary and community sector

Healthwatch Lambeth and Cruse Bereavement Care want to hear  from people bereaved or affected by suicide to create a guide to finding help and support.

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Share  memories of bereavement to help others

Suicide of a loved one is devastating for families, friends and others such as work colleagues. People often need personal, emotional and practical help and support but it can be confusing and difficult to find that help.

Creating guidance

Healthwatch Lambeth, in partnership with Cruse Bereavement Care, are asking for people to get involved in creating a new resource – a guide on where to get help.  We want to make it helpful, local and based on people’s actual experience.  To do this we want to find out what people in Lambeth found helpful, or what they really needed but could not get.

Supportive group

Cruse Bereavement Care invite people who have been bereaved through suicide to a small and supportive group The group will meet on 13 May, and again in June and July. Please call Cruse Bereavement Care on 020 7620 3999 for details of when and where the meetings will be.

Online in private

You can also help by sharing your experiences via an online survey . Please remember you will have to think back to the early days, weeks and months following your bereavement to answer the questions. The survey closes at the end of June 2019. All responses will be anonymous, and all information treated in confidence..

Making it better for others

We plan to launch the new Lambeth guide on 10th September 2019, World Suicide Prevention Day.. We will use everything you tell us to improve the support and help others may need at a very difficult time in their lives.  Your help is invaluable

For more information

  • Cruse Bereavement Care and its counterpart Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland are the United Kingdom’s largest bereavement charity, which provide free care and bereavement counselling to people suffering from grief. See their information pages
  • Healthwatch Lambeth gather local people’s experiences of health and care services in order to drive improvements. See their information pages