Vauxhall City Farm is a positive learning environment where participants experience engaging, enjoyable and developmental workshops and activities designed to support personal goals. The programme (fully funded for eligible young people) is delivered by experienced and qualified staff from our Education & Training team dedicated to helping young people succeed.
Who benefits?
The programme takes a holistic approach to supporting each person. It is particularly helpful for young people who have already begun to overcome personal barriers and challenges like substance abuse, mental health needs, offending behaviour, homelessness etc. and need extra, tailored support to develop key skills and motivation.
What’s involved?
New Shoots starts with six weeks (2 or 3 days per week) of group workshops, activities and a community-based social action project – designed to build confidence, knowledge and vital skills for employment and life. Each young person builds their own skills portfolio to evidence their achievements and value to employers. After six weeks, young people are offered up to nine months’ more tailored support and mentoring to build their skills, qualifications and work experience.
Does it work?
100% of the young people who completed the six-week group stage would recommend the programme to others. “I can honestly say I walked out of Vauxhall City Farm a far more confident, self-aware, happier, purposeful and motivated person than I walked in. I enjoyed each day I was there which is testament to everyone involved and I now have a job, so thank you!” – Chris, New Shoots participant 2017.
For more information
- To apply for the training programme, or to refer a young person, email our Education & Training Team, call 0207 582 4204 (Option 4) or Text ‘CALL ME’ to 07415 779926 for a callback
- The next programme begins on 12th June but we invite young people to visit the farm the week before, to get to know them and for them to get to know the farm and ask questions.
- Lunch is provided for young people on programme and travel expenses can be reimbursed.