Following September’s suicide prevention event at Lambeth Town Hall, the Lambeth Together partnership (including the Council and local health providers) aims to:
- get 6,000 people in Lambeth trained to take part in lifesaving conversations
- recruit suicide prevention champions in every organisation and company; and
- offer free training to support them.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Ed Davie, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, invited Cllr Joshua Lindsey to be Lambeth council’s lead Suicide Prevention Champion. “Joshua has campaigned on issues surrounding homelessness, housing standards and affordable homes. As a backbench councillor he worked to improve the Lambeth Together Programme and examined how social housing landlords can support residents’ health and mental health. He has also worked with Lambeth Safer Streets and with housing providers to develop new community spaces. As of 10 September, Joshua took on the role of suicide prevention lead champion for Lambeth. He will support the council’s work to make Lambeth, and London, zero suicide via Lambeth’s call to action.”
Lambeth’s call to action
- Free face-to-face training: Lambeth is looking for 4 hosts for targeted suicide prevention half day sessions and up to 3 hosts for bereavement support training (sudden and traumatic death/suicide). If you’re interested in hosting a session for up to 30 people, please contact us
- Free online training: Please tell your staff and community members to take the Zero suicide alliance 20 minute online free training. The London Mayor wants to get 100,000 people in London to take the training by September 2020 and we want at least 6,000 of them to be people in Lambeth. It helps you identify when someone is presenting with suicidal behaviour, helps you be able to speak out in a supportive manner and empowers you to signpost the individual to the correct services or support. It takes only 20 minutes and is very accessible. Save a life, take the training
- Suicide Prevention Champions: We’re looking to ensure that there are organisational suicide prevention champions across the borough in every organisation. If you’d like to join Cllr Joshua Lindsey in promoting suicide prevention in your organisation, please email him or Public Health Specialist Stef Abrar at Lambeth. We have reserved 2 intensive training days for first responder champions on 4/5 February 2020.
- Focus on initiatives to improve men’s emotional health and help seeking.
If you’d like to work with the suicide prevention partnership to develop good communication to promote men’s emotional health and help-seeking in Lambeth please contact Cllr Lindsey or Stef Abrar.