Missed Stoptober? New Year’s resolutions up in smoke? Don’t worry – here’s another chance. Wednesday 13 March is National No Smoking Day, with local help to get your quit journey started:
Get some motivational support
Here in Lambeth you can sign up to motivational support over the phone on 0300 123 1044. You’ll offered a 4-week quit programme with regular calls from a specialist stop smoking advisor. You can get advice about Lambeth pharmacies, specialist services and self-help from the council’s web pages.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Ed Davie, joint Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said: “In Lambeth we have been proactively working to discourage smoking by banning it in the borough’s parks and playgrounds. We are backing National No Smoking Day and Stop Smoking to build on our local initiatives. There is support available for people who want to quit smoking, tips and ideas for overcoming triggers and advice on therapies available. So all in all there has never been a better time to quit smoking and help achieve a smoke free environment for the next generation.”
Understand your smoking triggers
If you know you’re more likely to smoke in certain situations – eg when you drink – work out a strategy to combat this. If smoking is part of your morning ritual, try exercising first thing or a juice instead of coffee – don’t do things you associate with lighting up. Hang out with non-smokers or change up your social life whilst you beat the cravings. Visit Stop Smoking London for more tips and ideas to overcome your triggers.
Decide how you’ll beat the cravings
Nicotine changes the chemicals in our brains – one reason it’s hard to quit. It often takes much more than willpower – which is why nicotine replacement therapies are available. From e-cigs to patches and medication, find Nicotine products you can use to quit.
Harness the power of technology
Apps can help you, including:
- Best You –focused on a whole host of health improvements to help care for your own body and feel better overall.
- Quit Genius – this uses a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy and a 4-step programme to help you change your relationship with smoking.
- Download links to all of Stop Smoking London’s recommended apps.
For more information
For more about No Smoking Day and finding your reason to quit, see Breathe 2025’s information pages
- Your success stories will inspire others to quit too. If this information has helped you, please tell us about it stopsmokinglondon@lambeth.gov.uk