‘Switching On A Generation’ is founded by five young women whose mission is to promote a positive dialog of social identity and culture through African history lessons, Arts and Events. Join them for an evening of celebration, fun, food and games on Friday at Myatt’s Fields North community centre, Crawshay Road, SW9. The evening will include a black history quiz, spoken word, networking and an opportunity to learn more about African and Black British Culture.
This social event is run by new charity Black Lives and More that is working on a project called Rooted. They hope to educate Afro-Caribbean children on their unique African history and teach them on Africa’s contribution to the world. This in turn will help develop their self-esteem and spark a desire to aim just as high as their ancestors. Organisers want the children to have sense of pride and hopefully this will lead to better mental health welfare in the future.
The event will be on Friday 21 April from 6pm- 9pm.