Disability Advice Service Lambeth (DASL) invites you to come and enjoy a programme of iSPA (inclusive sport and physical activities) with all year round cycling, swimming, ice skating, dancing, games and more.
Late summer session
First up is Wednesday August 29, 10 am to 12 at Slade Gardens. Disabled People plus family and friends can come to play friendly cricket, Boccia, and Volleyball with other adults, and with coaches from Surrey Cricket Foundation and Disability Sports Coach. Indoor sessions restart in September in Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre.
Accessible space
Slade Gardens One O’ Clock Club is fully wheelchair accessible, friendly and available for anyone to drop in.
The Slade Gardens IntoSport Project completed a successful pilot project in summer 2017, and we hope to continue in 2019. We want disabled people to enjoy all-inclusive sessions with all activities adapted to meet people’s individual needs. We’re working to break down barriers and enable people to have fun, get a sense of achievement develop their physical skills.
Volunteers to help at sessions are always welcome, too. Husnara Zaman, DASL volunteer, said, “It’s been amazing working alongside the coaches and participants. I’ve enjoyed adapting the activities to meet the needs of each individual participant”.
Get moving!
iSPA sessions are designed to be friendly, fun and inclusive, so just drop in! And if the activities on offer already don’t work for you, tell DASL about activity ideas – what gets you moving?
More information
- For more on Intosport Lambeth and Get Out Get Active’s programme of activities see their information pages or email Abs Tripp, Intosport Worker.
- Disability Advice Service Lambeth offers information, support and advice to promote independent living in Lambeth. DASL are part of the Independent Living & Carers Partnership, a Lambeth consortium with Age UK Lambeth, Royal Association for Deaf People and Carers Hub Lambeth. See their information pages
- The Surrey Cricket Foundation delivers cricket sessions & coaching in communities, local schools and clubs to encourage people of all abilities to become fitter through cricket. See their information pages