The converted bus will be stationed at different locations in Lambeth throughout the summer. Find the bus to pick up COVID testing kits, receive a vaccination and, if you have any questions about the vaccine, to speak to one of the clinicians or covid wellbeing ambassadors.
They’d also like to hear your views on what other health and wellbeing services you’d like to find onboard when it parks up in your neighbourhood.
Here’s a clue…
For the latest bus stops and for up-to-date details of walk-in clinics and who can attend, visit: www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/popupclinics (new dates and venues are being added all the time).
Enter by Sunday 18 July for your chance to win!
To enter the prize draw, all you have to do is:
- Take a picture of yourself with the bus and
- Send it to: publichealth@lambeth.gov.uk
Entries must be submitted by Sunday 21 July 2021. The winner will be selected at random and contacted by email by the end of July. You must be over 18 to enter.
Meet Ash Soni, a local pharmacist and lead clinician on the bus
Ash is a community pharmacist and has been running his own pharmacy in Streatham for 35 years. With an eye surgeon for a father, growing up he always knew he wanted to be involved in the medical profession. Ash is responsible for making sure the vaccines are transported, stored and administered according to the highest standards of clinical safety and effectiveness. He is delighted to be involved in this important initiative to make vaccines even easier for people to access.
“I never expected to live through a pandemic. It’s been an extraordinary experience to be here and to be available to the public during this difficult time.
“The bus is about making sure we can get out and about to people in the community, rather than them having to come to us. We’ll be visiting the same locations on a regular basis. So, for anyone not sure about the vaccine, we’re happy for them to come back as many times as they need to ask questions.
“We’ve spoken to lots of people about the COVID-19 vaccine these past three weeks since we’ve been up and running. As we’re currently offering the AstraZeneca vaccine to over 40s, we’ve also been able to signpost lots of young people to other walk-in clinics nearby.
“Lots of people are having their second vaccine with us because it’s more convenient, and it’s also proven a great opportunity for anyone not registered with a local GP to have a jab.”
Find out more and get your vaccine here
The bus is one of the many walk-in services operating around the borough for people to get their life-saving vaccine. Check the NHS South East London CCG website for the latest bus stops and for up-to-date details of walk-in clinics and who can attend. New dates and venues are being added all the time. www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/popupclinics
For the most up-to-date information on the COVID-19 vaccine, including vaccine facts, please visit www.nhsselondonvaccinefacts.com
Find out more information on Covid-19 in Lambeth and the support available to residents at www.lambeth.gov.uk/covid-19