What is STAR?
HouseMark’s Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) is a nationally recognised survey of tenant and leaseholder satisfaction that is carried out by around 350 social housing providers. Councils, Housing Associations, and Arm’s length Management Organisations (ALMOs) all participate in STAR.
Most conduct the survey annually, though some opt to do it every two years. The survey follows a design developed by HouseMark, who are the leading provider of housing benchmarking services for the UK. The council have undertaken STAR surveys previously in 2013 and 2014.
About STAR 2016
A representative sample of residents for Lambeth Housing Services and all Lambeth TMO residents, will receive a paper questionnaire the week commencing the 10 October. The questionnaire will also include information on how to fill it out online. Information will be provided on how to request a questionnaire in a different format if this is required.
The survey will be carried out by MEL Research, a market research company, for Lambeth Council and Lambeth TMOs’.
If you are selected to take part and send back your questionnaire within the six weeks of the survey you will have the chance to win £50 worth of Love2Shop vouchers.
The STAR is a confidential survey, which means that your individual opinions or the opinions of any small group will not be identified in any report that results from the survey. The responses you give will not affect the services you receive.
Residents who complete their questionnaire have the chance to tell us what they think of our services and we use the results of the STAR survey to help decide what improvements should be made for the coming financial year. The results of the survey will be publicised to residents in 2017.
If you have any questions about the STAR survey, you can contact MEL Research on 0800 073 0348 or view the STAR information flyer.