Applying online is:
- Free, easy and secure
- Your application won’t get lost in the post
- This online system is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day until midnight on 15 January 2016
- You get the outcome of your child’s application on the evening of 18 April 2016 – before you will receive your letter.
Applying for a primary school place
This application is for children born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012.
We strongly advise you to apply online. Also ensure that you attach all the required proof of address documents (for you and your child) to your child’s online form, or bring the documents to the Customer Service Centre at Olive Morris House, 18 Brixton Hill, SW2 1RD by 15 January 2016. Applications without such documents could be withdrawn.
Online applications can be made from 1 September 2015. Last year, 97% of Lambeth residents applied online and all of these families received an offer of a place.
For full details of how to apply and the list of required proof of address documents please see our online guide – applying for a primary school place for 2016/17.
You can also view our primary schools admission booklet for 2016/17.