Applying online is:
- Free, easy and secure
- Your application won’t get lost in the post
- This online system is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day until midnight on 31 October 2015
- You get the outcome of your child’s application on the evening of 1 March 2016 – before you will receive your letter.
Applying for a secondary school place
This application is for children born between 1 September 2004 and 31 August 2005, or taught as a year six child during the 2015/16 academic year.
We strongly advise you to apply online.
Online applications can be made from 1 September 2015. Last year, 94% of Lambeth residents applied online and all of these families received an offer of a place.
For full details of how to apply please see our online guide – applying for a secondary school place for 2016/17.
You can also view our secondary schools in Lambeth 2016/17 booklet.
The deadline for secondary place applications is midnight on Saturday 31 October 2015.
You can also apply now for a primary school places
Online applications for primary school places can be made now for children born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012.
We strongly advise you to apply online.
Last year, 97% of Lambeth residents applied online and all of these families received an offer of a place.
For full details of how to apply please see our online guide – applying for a primary school place for 2016/17.
You can also view our primary schools admission booklet for 2016/17.
The deadline for primary place applications is midnight on Friday 15 January 2016.